Social Objectives


 Social Objectives

    1. Production and Supply of Quality Goods and Services. The production and supply of quality goods and services to consumers at reasonable prices is the responsibility of the business. The business should aim at consumer satisfaction. The supply of adulterated goods, poor in quality, unusable or harmful to health will be against business ethics. In the present scarcity ridden periods, the consumer is the worst affected. He is supplied poor quality goods at higher prices and still the goods are not made available in abundance. A business cannot flourish in the long-run if it ignores consumers. It is the duty of the business to study wants and needs of consumers and provide them with quality goods at reasonable prices. 

        2. Co-operation with the Government. Business should co-operate with the government in helping to achieve the objective of socialistic pattern of society. The Government of India has devised roles both for public and private sectors. The government has fixed priorities for the excecution of major policies for the growth and development of the nation. It is not uncommon on the part of Indian businessmen to adopt tactics and strategies that go counter to the declared policies of the government. The businessmen also try to evade various taxes. These things lead to a situation of suspicion and misunderstanding between businessmen and the government. The business community should adopt a positive approach towards policies of the government and should help it in solving national problems. 

      3. Generation of Employment. The business can help the society by creating more and more job opportunities. The expansion of business not only helps in employing more persons in the factory but it has a multiple effect. Persons are required at various levels in the channels of distribution from the producers to the consumers. The business community should plough back its profit for further expansion of business activities which will ultimately create new job opportunities.

     4. Community Service. There is an emphasis on social responsibility of business. Society expects that business should spend some part of its profits on community service or creating infrastructure for better social living. some business houses are undertaking charitable activities by opening charitable dispensaries, hospitals, schools etc. for the benefit of needy people, Participating in social service programmes adds to the reputation of the company and helps in establishing better image. For example, Tatas are spending a specific amount every year on social service projects.

Business Objective

          5. Protecting Environment. Environment pollution has become a major problem in all the countries. Industrial units are contributing to environment pollution by disposing off their wastes in rivers, lakes etc. The gases released through chimneys of industrial units is creating lot of problems for the society. Businessmen should try to avoid all types of pollutions by installing mechanical devices to control it. It is the moral duty of businessmen to use environment friendly technology and control all types of pollutions.

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