Objectives of Business


           An objective is a goal for the achievement of which all efforts are directed. It is the purpose for the existence of an organisation. Objectives provide direction and serve as reference points.

      Objectives refer to all that the business people want to get in return for what they do. Businessmen generally pretend that their main objective is to earn profit. They want to get more than what they have invested in the business. There is a realisation in the society that business should also help the society by way of creating activities. The excess reliance on earning more and more profits is not desirable.

      A business has to set multiple objectives for different areas. Objectives have to be specific in every area and sphere of business. For example, sales targets have to be set, the amount of capital to be raised has to be decided and so on. Objectives also set targets to be achieved and these become the measure of performance. Objectives are needed in every area where performance and results affect the survival and prosperity of business. 

Business objectives may be discussed under the following heads :

   A. Economic objectives

   B. Social objectives

   C. Human or Individual objectives

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