Difference between business Profession and Employment


Difference between business Profession and Employment









1. Nature of          Work


It involves production       and exchange of goods and services.

 Providing specialised personal service.


Performing the work assigned by the employer.



No specific qualifications are required.

Specialised qualifications prescribed for the profession will be required.


Qualifications are linked to the nature of work to be undertaken.


 3. Mode of Establishment


 Legal formalities, if required will be performed


Membership of a professional body is needed.


Appointment will be sufficient to take up the job.


4. Capital



Investments are needed as per the nature and scale of operations.

Some investments are needed to set up office.


No investment is required.


5. Reward or Return


Profit is the reward for business.


Professional fee is charged from the clients for service.


Salary or wage is the reward for service.


6. Risk


It is faced by lot of risks.


Risk is limited.

There is no risk.


7. Code of Conduct


It may follow the code of conduct devised by business or trade associations.

Following of code of conduct of professional body is essential.


Only rules and regulations related to the job are followed.


8. Motive


Profit earning is the motive.


Service of society and earning of income or fees is the motive.


Earning of salary or wage is the motive.


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