Concept and Characteristics of Profession


       Profession refers to economic activities where specialised knowledge and skill is applied by individuals to earn fees. A person can enter a profession only after acquiring skill and knowledge prescribed for it. So a profession is an occupation involving rendering of personal service of a specialised nature for earning a fees.

      The services rendered by a doctor, an advocate, a chartered accountant come under profession.

Characteristics of a Profession

       1. Well-defined Body of Knowledge. A person entering a particular profession should have specialized knowledge and training prescribed for entering that profession. One must have a professional degree and/or training for entering a particular profession. A person not possessing the prescribed degree cannot enter the profession.

      2. Restricted Entry. Every profession restricts the entry on the basis of examination or education. An individual can enter that profession only after getting the prescribed education or training. A doctor, a lawyer can enter their professions only after acquiring the required knowledge and skills through formal education. 3. Professional Associations. Different professions have their own professional bodies which prescribe the qualifications for acquiring the membership of that body and also regulate the working of the members. There is a Medical Council of India for doctors, Bar Council of India for advocates, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India for accounting professionals, etc.

       Characteristic of Profession

     4. Code of Conduct. Every professional body prescribes a code of conduct for its members. The code of conduct includes rules and regulations concerned with the profession, integrity, honesty, norms of behaviour etc. All the members are required to follow the code of conduct.

      5. Service Motive. The basic motive of a professional is to serve clients with dedication. For example, a doctor tries to help the patient to get well soon.

      6. Nature of Work. Professionals provide consultancy and advisory services to their clients.

      7. Professional Fee. A professional charges a fee for proving his services. The economic considerations should not take precedence over services. A doctor will give preference to serving the patient rather than the fee.

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